top 5 essential oils you must try | 2021

the top 5 essential oils and the benefits they provide

chloe and crown essential oils

1. eucalyptus essential oil

what eucalyptus looks like:

origins of eucalyptus:

originally native to Australia, eucalyptus trees are now grown all over the world and used for their medicinal properties. their healing power comes from eucalyptus oil, which is made from the tree’s oval-shaped leaves.

main benefits of eucalyptus:

  • if you've ever used Vicks VapRub then you already know the main benefits of eucalyptus oil for helping relieve a stuffy nose and chest
  • this essential oil can also keep pests away -- just dilute the oil with water and spray away, or use it in a reed diffuser
  • eucalyptus oil also has a lot of topical uses -- once diluted with other carrier oils, it can be applied to joints, cold sores, and mild headaches

2. tea tree oil essential oil

what tea tree looks like:

origins of tea tree oil:

tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and it can be found in the swampy southeast Australian coast. the name comes from the fact that 18th century sailor used the leaves to make tea -- in addition to it's nutmeg taste, the tea also provided a lot of health benefits as well!

main benefits of tea tree oil:

while there are 101 uses for tea tree oil, the overarching benefit comes from it's ani-bacterial qualities. tea tree oil (once properly diluted with carrier oils and water) can be used for topical treatments of acne, sores, fungus, and very mild infections.

in spray form, tea tree oil is a great natural alternative to anti-bacterial spray for things like yoga mats, gym bags, sandals, or any surface that's hard to wash.

3. bergamot essential oil

what bergamot looks like:

origins of bergamot:

the earliest roots of the bergamot tree can be traced to Southeast Asia, but achieved its prominence and name in the town of Bergamo in southern Italy.

main benefits of bergamot:

unlike many of the essential oils we look at, bergamot can not only be used for aromatherapy and topical treatments but also for cooking -- if you have ever tasted earl grey tea, then you know exactly what bergamot tastes (and smells) like.

similar to tea tree oil, bergamot essential oil can also be used as a mild anti-bacterial agent, but it's probably better known for its use in lotions and soaps.

4. patchouli essential oil

what patchouli looks like:

origins of patchouli:

native to Indonesia and Malaysia, patchouli is a plant that resembles a shrub about one meter high, with mint-like leaves. 

main benefits of patchouli:

the overwhelming use of patchouli essential oil is in perfumes, cosmetics, and aromatherapy. we use patchouli fragrance oil and essential oil in more products than any other scent.

5. peppermint essential oil

what peppermint looks like:

origins of peppermint:

native to parts of Europe and the Middle East, peppermint is actually a hybrid (mix) of two different mints -- watermint and spearmint. 

main benefits of peppermint:

with its high level of menthol, peppermint and peppermint oil is used for both natural remedy and aromatherapy. it not only helps to calm the stomach during indigestion, but can calm the mind and relieve stress when used in a reed diffuser. 

oh, and it does wonders for your breath!

In addition to the essential oils mentioned above we use dozens of other essential oils in all of our products. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all of our products!